Thursday, November 7, 2019
Volver Conjugation
Volver Conjugation Volver is a common Spanish verb that usually means to return, to come back or something similar; in the reflexive form, volverse, it also can mean to become. Volver is a stem-changing verb; to conjugate volver, change the -o- to -ue- when stressed. Volver also has an irregular past participle. Irregular forms are shown below in boldface. Translations are given as a guide and in real life may vary with context. Verbs that follow the conjugation pattern of volver include absolver, devolver, disolver, desenvolver, resolver and revolver. Infinitive of Volver volver (to return) Gerund of Volver volviendo (returning) Participle of Volver vuelto (returned) Present Indicative of Volver yo vuelvo, tà º vuelves, usted/à ©l/ella vuelve, nosotros/as volvemos, vosotros/as volvà ©is, ustedes/ellos/ellas vuelven (I return, you return, he returns, etc.) Preterite of Volver yo volvà , tà º volviste, usted/à ©l/ella volvià ³, nosotros/as volvimos, vosotros/as volvisteis, ustedes/ellos/ellas volvieron (I returned, you returned, she returned, etc.) Imperfect Indicative of Volver yo volvà a, tà º volvà as, usted/à ©l/ella volvà a, nosotros/as volvà amos, vosotros/as volvà ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas volvà an (I used to return, you used to return, he returned, etc.) Future Indicative of Volver yo volverà ©, tà º volvers, usted/à ©l/ella volver, nosotros/as volveremos, vosotros/as volverà ©is, ustedes/ellos/ellas volvern (I will return, you will return, he will return, etc.) Conditional of Volver yo volverà a, tà º volverà as, usted/à ©l/ella volverà a, nosotros/as volverà amos, vosotros/as volverà ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas volverà an (I would return, you would return, she would return, etc.) Present Subjunctive of Volver que yo vuelva, que tà º vuelvas, que usted/à ©l/ella vuelva, que nosotros/as volvamos, que vosotros/as volvis, que ustedes/ellos/ellas vuelvan (that I return, that you return, that she return, etc.) Imperfect Subjunctive of Volver que yo volviera (volviese), que tà º volvieras (volvieses), que usted/à ©l/ella volviera (volviese), que nosotros/as volvià ©ramos (volvià ©semos), que vosotros/as volvierais (volvieseis), que ustedes/ellos/ellas volvieran (volviesen) (that I return, that you return, that he return, etc.) Imperative of Volver vuelve (tà º), no vuelvas (tà º), vuelva (usted), volvamos (nosotros/as), volved (vosotros/as), no volvis (vosotros/as), vuelvan (ustedes) (return, dont return, return, lets return, etc.) Compound Tenses of Volver The perfect tenses are made by using the appropriate form of haber and the past participle, vuelto. The progressive tenses use estar with the gerund, volviendo. Sample Sentences Showing Conjugation of Volver and Similarly Conjugated Verbs Hay cosas que nunca no van a volver. (There are things that are never coming back. Infinitive.) Se ha resuelto el problema. (The problem has resolved itself. Present perfect.) El viento vuelve a complicar los aterrizajes en el aeropuerto. (The wind is complicating landings at the airport again. Present indicative.) Se prepara una solucià ³n de bromuro de sodio disolviendo 4 gramos de la sal en 50 gramos de agua. (A solution of sodium bromide is prepared by dissolving 4 grams of the salt in 50 grams of water. Gerund.) Revolvià ³ en su mente todo lo que sabà a. (Everything he knew stirred around in his mind. Preterite.) Algunas veces volvà an a ponerse las mismas ropas sin lavarlas. (Sometimes they would put on the same clothes again without washing them. Imperfect.) Sà © que volvers muy pronto. (I know you are coming back very soon. Future.) Mi amiga me dijo que le devolverà a el dinero a Harry. (My friend told me she would return the money to Harry. Conditional.) La comisià ³n pidià ³ hoy la intervencià ³n del Ministerio de Trabajo para que resuelva el conflicto laboral. (The commission today asked for the intervention of the Labor Department in order to resolve the labor conflict. Present subjunctive.) Mi presencia era suficiente para que me absolviera de los cargos. (My presence was enough for me to be absolved of the charges. Imperfect subjunctive.) No vuelvas nunca ms. (Dont ever come back again. Imperative.)
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